
Laugh it off

How is it then that the question on most people’s lips is, “How do we survive today?”

Feminist shit stirrers Pussy Riot explain the consequences of benign acceptance by the masses of their rulers: “You cannot play nice with Putin. He is insane. He might open fire on his own people.” The same may be said of Western leaders.

Popular musicians, artists, thinkers, journalists, and academics expose political evils. Their Truths are in plain sight, for all to see, we live that life, yet time and again we are thrown into calamity and deprivation by the ideologically motivated actions of a few homegrown nut cases who just so happen to have been elevated into positions of power.

Do we allow this because we are made helpless by our overpowering daily struggle for survival? The seemingly endless round of – work – eat – sleep work – eat – sleep – with no time or brain space for anything else. Or is it because we are brainwashed into chasing impossible dreams? Subjects of the insatiable quest for growth as loyal drone-citizens of a mythical kingdom. We know it will end in chaos and depravity but still, we do nothing to change it.

Or do we put up with the status quo because their methods of control convince us to trust that the intentions of politicians, industrialists, financiers and press barons are benevolent? Even though we know beyond doubt that these powerful advocates of ruthless authority are driven by myopic self-interest and greed and care not one jot for the nation’s best interests.

Do we ever question why they punish rather than encourage and facilitate?

Try to process the madness and you end up driven insane by hopelessness at where to begin to help the world, and its people, to heal. An inadequacy that makes us unable to fight or to revolt in any meaningful way.

We just laugh it off.  What the fuck is wrong with us?

© Rod McRiven 2024

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